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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Ontario, CAN - Apollo 15 Lunar Landing Postcard


This postcard features a photo from the Apollo 15 (1971) mission to the moon and today I learned about some interesting negative publicity the mission received when it came to light that the crew had carried a number of postal covers into space without prior authorization and had received monetary compensation (which they later returned). Indeed, the covers were confiscated by NASA and only returned under threat of a lawsuit in February 1983. Interestingly enough though, also in 1983, NASA sent 260,000 postal covers to space aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger for the STS-8 mission, splitting profits made by selling the covers with the USPS. Now, per the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 1214.602, all mementos aboard NASA missions must be approved and "[i]tems such as philatelic materials and coins that, by their nature, lend themselves to exploitation by the recipients, or create problems with respect to good taste [...] will not be approved for flight."

Read more & References!
> "Apollo 15 postal covers incident." In Wikipedia. (2024, March 12).
> "STS-8." In Wikipedia. (2024, February 15).
> "Code of Federal Regulations | Title 14, Chapter V, Part 1214, Subpart 1214.6, § 1214.602 Policy." In National Archives. (2024, March 12).
> "Apollo insurance covers." In Wikipedia. (2023, June 17).

JPN - Pokémon Themed Postage Stamps


While these Pokémon postage stamps from Japan were released a little while ago now, I recently (relatively) was able to purchase a mint set of the card game stamps (above) and wanted to go back through my collection to see which ones I had previously received in the mail.

The 63¥ value stamp set features Pokémon cards for Butterfree, Cinderace, Magikarp, Pikachu, Eevee, Mewtwo, Lucario, Liepard, and Jirachi.

The 84¥ value stamp set features "illustrations of Pokémon going through the seasons", including: Gibble, Delibird, Pikachu, Charmander, Bidouf, Pachirisu, Cherubi, Cherum, Meowth, Pichu, Togepi, Slowpoke, Dwebble, Squirtle, Applin, Munchlax, Morpeko, Mimikyu, Snorlax, Cleffa, Nidoran, Oddish, Bulbasaur, Woobuffet, Spinda, Geodude, Vulpix, Eevee, Snom, Piplup, Ditto, and Mew.

There's also a special set of 84¥ value stamps with two 120¥ value stamps featuring additional Pokémon card designs and based on the classic Japanese artworks Beauty Looking Back and Geese Flying Across Full Moon, respectively. The 84¥ stamps include Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Skorbunny, Yamper, Skwobet, Zacian, and Zamazenta. The 120¥ stamps feature Pikachu and Cramorant.

Here are the stamps I've received on postcards - I'm not sure which of these (and of the 3 stamp sets) are my favourite... I like the Pokémon card design, but the illustrations of multiple Pokémon through the seasons are quite cute!

63¥ stamp of Mewtwo
63¥ stamp of Pikachu
63¥ stamps of Magikarp and Liepard, and an 84¥ stamp with Pikachu, 2x Pichu, and Togepi
84¥ stamp with Dwebble, Squirtle, and Pikachu

Read more!

> "Pokémon - This is a stamp featuring the world-famous "Pokémon" design (ポケモン - 世界中で人気の「ポケモン」をデザインした切手です。)." (2021). In JapanPost (In Japanese)
> "Japan Post is releasing limited-edition Pokémon art stamps in July." (2021, May 13). In Timeout
> "Special site commemorating the release of Pokémon stamps (ポケモン切手発売記念 特設サイト)." (2021). In JapanPost (In Japanese)

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

CAN, KOR, BLR, USA - Low Value Definitives Chain Postcard


From top to bottom: Belarus, USA, South Korea, Canada
Chain card with South Korea, Belarus, and the USA for low-value definitive stamps. Traveled 54 days from January 18th until March 12th, 2024. Stamps from Belarus (top row) were attached in the USA, due to mail restrictions. This was my first chain card :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Beresford, NB, CAN - "Satyre fauve des Maritimes" Cancel

(2024-02-26) Beresford, NB

What a lovely butterfly cancel. I hadn't known of the rarity of the Maritime ringlet prior to writing this post, so it's fun to learn a bit more about the pictorial cancel. I am interested to know why the envelope was cancelled with a generic Canada Post cancel even though the date within the pictorial cancel is current.


A version of this cancel appears to have been released in 2005, though this version has been scaled slightly differently and there are now long lines between the "Postes Canada . Canada Post" text and "Beresford NB" text, whereas the 2005 version shows only dots (would have perhaps been smaller).

Interesting facts!
> The "Satyre fauve des Maritimes" ("Coenonympha nipisiquit" or "the maritime ringlet") is a rare species of butterfly found only in Canada, and only in a very limited area within Québec and New Brunswick
> It is the only insect on the list of threatened or endangered wildlife in Québec
> In October 2022, Beresford unveiled a statue of the Maritime Ringlet

Read more & References!
> (In English) "Coenonympha nipisiquit." (Undated). In Wikipedia
> (In French) "Satyre fauve des Maritimes." (Undated). In Wikipedia
> "The Maritime Ringlet." (Undated). In Ville de Belle-Baie, Secteur Beresford
> "Maritime Ringlet Butterfly Statue Unveiled in Beresford." (2022, Oct 27). In Ville de Belle-Baie, Secteur Beresford

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Hartland, NB, CAN - Postcard with "World's Longest Covered Bridge" Cancel


Front of postcards

Back of postcards

(2024-02-23) Hartland, NB

When I requested the stamp canceled card, I also included these two postcards I had received (blank) from one of my grandparents - the perfect postcards to create "maxicards" with, given the Hartland covered bridge stamp and cancel. I'm super happy with how these turned out and the care that went into getting them back to me - the postmaster kindly covered each of them with a small piece of paper to avoid the ink smudging.


I've written more about the Hartland PO here!

Hartland, NB, CAN - "The World's Longest Covered Bridge" Cancel

 (2024-02-23) Hartland, NB

Absolutely in love with this stamp-cancel combination and the application of the cancel looks amazing! (I also made some "maxicard-like" postcards - check them out here)


This cancel was released in 2023.

Fun facts!
> The bridge is 390.75 m (1281.99 ft) long
> The bridge had a Google Doodle dedicated to it on the day of it's 111th anniversary, July 4, 2012
> The bridge was named a Provincial Heritage Place in 1999
> The stamp is part of the Historic Covered Bridges collection from Canada Post in 2019

Read more!
> "Hartland Covered Bridge." (Undated). In Wikipedia
> "Inauguration of Hartland Bridge." (2012, July 4). In Google Doodles
> "Hartland Covered Bridge National Historic Site of Canada." (Undated). In Parks Canada
Directory of Federal Heritage Designations
> "World’s Longest Covered Bridge." (2013, Aug 25). In MyNewBrunswick
> "Canadian Stamp Stories: Historic Covered Bridges." (2019, June 17). In Canada Post | Postes Canada

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Tisdale, SK, CAN - "The Place to Bee" Cancel

(2024-02-22) Tisdale, SK

A bit disappointed about the placement/orientation of these cancels, but they're still super cute and a great addition to my growing collection of bee-themed pictorial cancels (what can I say? I have quite a few of the 5¢ bee stamps available to use haha). 

1006 100TH AVE

A version of this cancel was released in 2005, though this version is reported to have been released in 2018 (with a change to "SK" from "Saskatchewan").

Fun facts:
> Tisdale has a giant honey bee statue, though it is slightly smaller than the statue in Falher, AB (for which I've obtained a pictorial cancel here)

Read more!
> "Giants of the Prairies." (Undated). In Wikipedia
> "Small Town Histories: The History of Tisdale." (2021, Sep 22). In Canadian History Ehx

Friday, March 1, 2024

Ontario, CAN - Illustrated Postcard


DEU - FOTW Postcard


Montréal, QC, CAN - Abeilles (Bees) and Caribou des bois (Woodland Caribou) Cancels

(2024-02-19) Montréal, QC

Quite excitingly I received back these bee-themed cancel cards with incredibly neat, un-smudged cancels (super cute!) and the postmaster kindly stamped my envelope with another cancel available at the same location - featuring a woodland caribou, maple leaf, and fleur-de-lis.


The bee cancel was released in 2022.
The woodland caribou cancel was released in 2020.

Read more!
> "Woodland caribou in Québec and mountain caribou in Gaspésie: Factors in their decline, measures to halt the decline and current population status." (Undated). From Commission indépendante sur les caribous forestiers et montagnards (participation_quebec-PART-2021-10-37). Summary in English:
> "Quebec caribou population continues to decline: Environment Ministry." (2023, Jan 15). In CBC The Canadian Press